Mercury Safe and Mercury Free Dentist Internet Directory

“Dedicated to the Promotion and Practice of Mercury-Safe Dentistry ”

    The Poison in Your Teeth: Book

    Mercury Detoxification: Book

    Healthy Teeth-Healthy Body: Book

    Mercury Detoxification Supplements

    Watch Dr. Tom McGuire's YouTube  Video: The Poison in Your Teeth

    Click to Find Mercury Safe Dentists and Mercury Free Dentists

Purchasing and Activating a Directory

Purchasing and activating your listing is simple. You can purchase your membership in Dr. Tom McGuire's Mercury Safe Dentist Internet Directory in the following ways.


  • Call our Toll Free number at 800-335-7755, or outside the USA call 707-763-7220, and arrange to purchase by Credit Card.
  • You can Purchase your listing at our secure online store by Clicking Here. (we will be automatically sent a receipt of purchase)
  • You can also fax your Credit Card information to us at 707-763-7224
  • Or email it to us by Clicking Here.

Provide Office Contact Information

Email us your office contact information and include the following Information

Dentist Name

Practice Name

Street Address

Suite Number


Zip Code



Office Phone Numbers

Fax Number

Office Email Address if Desired (it will be secure and spam proof)

Website Address

Office Contact Person's Name and Email Address

Dentists Personal Email (this will be kept confidential)

You can emaill it to us by Clicking Here. Or you can fax it to us at 707-763-7224. You can also phone it in by calling Toll Free at 800-335-7755.

Activating Your Directory Listing

Once we have confirmed your purchase and received your Contact Information we will activate your Direct Listing the same day (if it was purchased between 8am and 5pm Monday through Friday - PST. We write up your listing for you and you can use what we've written as a model, or template, from which you can then personalize it for your unique practice.

That is all there is to it - we've done all the work for you. If you have any questions please contact us at 800-335-7755 (USA and Canada) or 707-763-7220 outside the USA and Canada.

Thank You!