Mercury Safe Dentists: International Association of Mercury Safe Dentists Members

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  How to Practice Mercury Safe Dentistry: Minimizing Occupational Exposure to Mercury

  Marketing & Growing a Mercury Safe Practice

  Continuous Loop Patient Education DVD - Mercury: The Poison in Your Teeth

  Watch Dr. Tom McGuire's Video: Mercury Amalgam Fillings; The Poison in Your Teeth

The Poison in Your Teeth: Book

Mercury Detoxification: Book

International Association of Mercury Safe Dentists (IAMSD)

The International Association of Mercury Safe Dentists (IAMSD) was founded in 1998 by Dr. Tom McGuire, the leading authority on Mercury Safe Dentistry. Membership is comprised of dentists who are holistic, Mercury Free (Amalgam/Silver Filling Free), and Occupationally Mercury Safe.

Member dentists are committed to safely removing Mercury Amalgam/Silver Fillings using protocols and equipment designed to protect the patient, the staff, the dentist, and the environment from unnecessary and excessive amounts of toxic mercury vapor released during amalgam removal.

Member dentists also take a holistic approach to dentistry. Dr. McGuire defines holistic dentistry as a philosophy that recognizes that the teeth and associated structures of the mouth are an integral part of the body. Because of the important relationship of oral to overall health members take this into consideration when planning treatment options. Members also take a science based approach to dentistry while utilzizing the latest in dental equipment and technology.

In addition, the member dentist will;

  • be trained in every treatment and therapy he or she offers;
  • if requested, provide patients with a source of information about the health hazards of mercury amalgam/silver fillings, mercury detoxification, and oral hygiene education;
  • if requested, provide patients with a source of information about the relationship between oral and overall health; and
  • will practice with integrity and honesty.

Only IAMSD member dentists can be Listed on Dr. McGuire's Mercury Safe Dentist Directory. Each member's Listing will indicate the Treatments and Services he or she offers to patients. Member dentists also take a Whole Body Approach to dentistry and strive to use biocompatible dental materials whenever possible.

Member dentists strongly support and promote Occupationally Mercury Safe Dentistry and are committed to taking continuing education programs that enhance their ability to practice safe and healthy dentistry.

Dr. Tom McGuire

President and Founder of the IAMSD

Related Links of Value

The Difference between Mercury Free and Mercury Safe Dentists

For more information on the significant difference between a mercury free and mercury safe dentist link to:

Dr. Tom McGuire's YouTube Video: The Poison in Your Teeth

 To learn more about mercury, how and how much is released from amalgam fillings, the damage it can do to your health, and why you should choose a Mercury Safe Dentist to have them removed - link to:

Mercury Safe Dentist Internet Directory Search Page

To find an International Association of Mercury Safe Dentists (IAMSD) Dentist in the USA, Canada, or International, link to:

Abstracted and Referenced Database on Mercury Studies

Thi sis the largest database of its kind, over 180 pages and more than 1100 studies. It is webbased with an easy to use Table of Content. If you are scientific minded and what to see the studies we base our science on you can access the database by linking to;